
Swift: Verify collections with sized index sets

In this post, I implement a rather slippery concept in Swift: index sets with exact sizes. Why? Partly because it’ll let us stretch our Swift-muscles a bit. Partly because the use case presented here actually came up (more or less in this shape) as part of my work, and I found it to be an interesting little puzzle. To understand what I mean b...

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Magic version bumps for Github PRs

This post is about a configuration that I added to my a Github repo that I’m working on to make it automatically commit a version bump whenever someone merges a PR with a special label, and the hoops that I had to jump through to make it work. For the tl;dr, skip to the last section (“Final solution”). The problem The idea was born from a fru...

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An easy-to-use routing system in Swift

How we eschewed pre-built routing frameworks for a hand-rolled system based on protocols, enums and default implementations that is tailor made to our codebase Developing software is a process, and so is becoming a better developer. I have fallen in most of the pitfalls that I have encountered on the iOS development trail so far, and I’m still ...

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